Apron Screening Service
On Site Apron Screening
Our mobile testing unit can be brought to any hospital in the UK or Ireland for the duration of the screening process.
This service will be offered in the form of a LEAD APRON MAINTENANCE CONTRACT which will apply for three years based on the number of assets to be examined annually.
Our service offers you fantastic value for money and assurance knowing that all your Lead/Lead- Free garments and accessories will be thoroughly examined, tracked via QR codes and available to view online throughout the year via our SFX asset management system

Maintenance Contract
Our Lead Apron Maintenance Contract includes the following:
- Free Audit of all assets to be examined.
- 10 free repairs offered annually within the contract
- Disposal and replacement of any condemned PPE at a discount based on total assets to be examined
- Access to our SFX QR: Asset Management System

Seamless Integration
Our screening service integrates easily with our SFX QR: Asset Management System allowing users to:
- Log and record any asset defects after each examination.
- Store photographic and X-ray images easily for each garment/accessory
- Request supplementary services including repairs, replacements and disposals

Save Time, Stay Up to Date
Our service aims to:
- Reduce the time and cost associated with annual radiation protection examinations;
- Aid in your compliance of IRR 2017 guidelines which recommend all PPE must be thoroughly examined and properly maintained at suitable intervals;
- Combine and clearly display all the results from each examination in one location which can be accessed remotely on or off site.
Please contact your local Account Manager for more details on our examination and maintenance service.